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Florist Funeral Arrangement

  • Hand-tied by a local florist
  • Delivered directly to the ceremony
  • 7 day quality guarantee
  • Add a beautiful ribbon

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Standard789 kr

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Product information
Let our professional florists create a funeral arrangement with white and cream-colored flowers. With its soft and calm tones, it offers a peaceful and respectful tribute to the funeral. In the next step, you can add a beautiful silk ribbon with a final message. The arrangement is uniquely designed just for you and put together based on seasonal availability. Each flower is carefully selected to create an arrangement that is both beautiful and affordable. The arrangement is delivered by a local florist directly to the funeral ceremony.

A local florist designs this floral arrangement and delivers it to the funeral.

You will receive an SMS with a delivery confirmation once the flowers have been delivered.

We need your order at least two business days before the ceremony.

It is important that you provide the exact time of the funeral in your order, as the florist will deliver the flowers at least one hour before the ceremony begins.



    Fast delivery 7 days a week!

  • 7 day freshness

    7 day freshness

    Guaranteeing quality and fresh flowers

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Affordable, selected bouquets with free chocolate

  • 4.2 out of 5

    4.2 out of 5

    Highly rated by customers on Google reviews